Thoughts are meant to be thought, not embodied. Circumstances are not a constant. Subjectivity must remain flexible as circumstances are always in flux. There is no worldview of fact, only usefulness of workings. The quantification of experience creates static data. The application of data to the subjective position creates a thing. The blindness of belief installs a thingness in the form of reasons that becomes a worldview of person. Seeing yourself as an object amongst objects is to relinquish the possibility of consciousness and any hope for free will. If there is such a thing.

There is an ever-increasing treatment of the populace through numbers, data , and statistics. The encouragement is to see yourself as a person while being treated or examined in an inhuman way. A person is a predictable and categorical entity. The agreement to dispense of yourself as a collection of categorical types, and to adopt pre-described behavior and belief, makes you easier to manage.

A soul is another entity all together. It is a human position. A development from experiential subjective understanding. The neglect of such a thing is a neglect of self development and growth towards maturity. This leads to a disconnect from physicality.

You are the expression of a biological actuality.

I use the term soul because it is loaded. It is the object of the spiritual being. It is the phantasmagorical substance of primacy. The nebulous nature of it makes it not a thing at all. As you are not a thing, it is both appropriate and suggestive.

A requirement for a “person’s” mental health is a symbiotic agreement with culture reflected back at them as a constant. All possible adversity must be included in the world picture. Anomaly of adversity creates stressors that cannot be resolved. The stress from outside the world picture causes disruptions in the continuity of the organized complex that is the “person”. These disruptions at first are the sign of a healthy body trying to break through. Eventually they become the remnant of a broken soul, chained, tortured and starving, severed from the light, destined to live as a shadow of self in decrepitude both of body and mind, eventually stripped of the power or desire to return to health.

A soul lives as a being in the world, not as a fulfillment of a pre-described abstract form. It’s practice is to deal with the limitations of it’s own experience in each moment. The practice of acceptance of adversity outside of it’s own world view is a given. The practice of acceptance,and humility in the face of the unknown and uncontrollable, is an inherent attribute of the Soul experience. It could be viewed as part of the definition of “What is a soul?”: a being that accepts the circumstances of the moment, or the being that grows from the acceptance of the circumstances of the moment.

The style of governance in the United States is increasingly moving towards a system of constant education of person compliance. You are taught to be a person. Once you adopt being a person, you are easier to manipulate as the person is synonymous with the person’s world view. A person will act in accordance with it’s beliefs and support the power structure that signals those beliefs. For authoritarian control, you merely need to educate the entire population to believe in the message of what they are. Freedom of mind is then not an option, only freedom to believe within the choices available.

Totalitarianism can be described as a prison as its people cannot leave the state without permission. This can be effected psychologically as well as within legal bounds. Nation building can be accomplished by person building.

To be a person is to live as an appearance — a superficial collection of behaviors and vision of the rightness that must be fulfilled. You pour yourself into the person by the fulfillment of expectation, either placed on you or subsequently by you.

A person can be shamed into existence. This is the act of evil. Desiring the corruption of the soul, so to exploit advantage and dominate.

The person is a prison, a shell, a container. All creative imagination is poured into this corrupted substitution for a living experience. It leaves barely a hint of the song from the source weakly singing in hopes to break free. The deep overwhelming sadness of a being in distress taught to live in fear, chained by guilt, imprisoned by no crime, waving a flag of hatred born of corruption and social disease.

A person is a collective notion. A person is a part of a group or many groups. It is a resource for power waiting to be accessed. Social human behavior is blind and the person is blind within it.

The war within the self to nurture the soul may provide some protection against the misuse of a persons propensity for misguided collective behavior.

There is a compulsion for the person to behave within the confines of norms encouraged by the group that you find affinity with. The triggers for these live deep in the fundamental level of the persons reality. This is not accessible to objective positioning at the individual level. This is at the level of belief which forms your reality.

The constant tactics of attack and herding towards the acceptable through the use of terror combined with flattery, encourage the worst aspects of humanity while the best atrophy. When anything is suffering the expectation of healthy behavior is misplaced.

In a world of corruption jockeying for money and power, through constant petty competition, with no true aim other than personal success within a social structure, coupled with a lack of clarity of what is a person, leaves society with few lucid minds.

To be healthy, suspicion of motive, vigilance against moral corruption, humility in all circumstance when engaging both with self and other, are only a few of the primary requisites for self development. The absolute neglect of this can be found in the lazy attitude of accepting social norms and aspiring to become a functioning member of a society as a person.

The society is merely an idea. The complexity of modern societies has grown well beyond observant explanation by the individual. The need for safety and belonging is a powerful drug that alters perception and teaches a dream contained within complexes of the mind. These complexes are jailers of the soul. It is relatively easy to feed these complexes in order to exploit the blind. A person is an identity complex of no definite substantive order. It is longing and need not understood, applied towards social forms and concepts. The person feels not fulfillment but temporary relief from fear. This is a herd easy to control and willing to comply.

People will commit evil over and over again as long as the species exists. The only hope lies in the war within oneself against the desperate need of the organism for security of possession. This is of course the good people. It is the good that are corrupted. For the evil there is no redemption. It is the good that must fight against the complacency in their hearts, against the rightness of their position, and the desire for the feelings that come with being on the right side. To be afraid of healthy shame that comes from the quest within, only to live shamed by the group and embody hatred, is a sin against oneself.

Consciousness is not a birthright. It is not a condition of humanity. It is hard fought for in each moment and without question is suspect in its existence at all.

The blind vision of the assumption of human consciousness and free will leave the reactionary biological organism dreaming its dream, infinitely manipulatable by others with the talent to find the strings of fear and longing and weave a web of terror with provided solution.

Freedom for the individual exists only as far as the individual is willing to limit ones own base nature and develop in conflict with its own emotional discomfort.

The American Lunch

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